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3D Cloud Rendering


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Submit 3Ds Max Renders and Simulations in GridMarkets 

Render Interface Overview

Render Interface Overview

Hover your mouse over the image below to discover tips how to submit your 3ds Max project to GridMarkets render cloud.

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Render Interface Overview 3ds Max

Project Name: This is folder at GridMarkets where the given scene and all the assets for the submission are stored.

Submission Name: This is by default set to your scene name. It will be visible as the submission's name in Envoy that you can expand to reveal the details.

Job Name: This is the name of your job entry in envoy after expanding the chosen submission. By default this name is being generated from the camera name and render engine chosen for the submission.

Product Version: This is the version at GridMarkets that will be used to render your scene. By default it is the 3ds Max version you are submitting from or the latest one available at GridMarkets. 

Scene File: This displays the scene name and its file path. This can't be altered.

Frame Ranges: The frame range(s) to render in the format: Start End Step. The frame range shown is the default from your scene. Click in the set ranges area to expand the Frame Range field or tick the box to the right to edit the frame range. Use the + button to add additional frame ranges and steps. Use - to remove them.  Untick the box to the right to revert back to the original frame ranges saved in your scene. 

Camera Name: This is set to the default camera set in your scene. You can override by ticking the box to the left and select any other cameras you may have set up in your scene. Note. the standard views are not visible here. Only cameras you have created in your scene.

Output Width / Output Height: This displays the default output image size set in your scene you wish to render. Tick the box to the left to override to change the output image size if needed. 

Input Gamma / Output Gamma: This displays the default input and output Gamma setting set in your scene you wish to render. Tick the box to the left to override to change if needed. 

Renderer: This displays renderer selected in your scene. This can't be altered in the Submit2GM window.

Output Path: This displays the default output path only showing the folder name that the final output will render to. EG: _Output_Folder/      This does not include the filename. Tick the box to the right to override. Click the field to edit. Note. Make sure all output folders are set in the scene before opening the Submit2GM window. Untick the box to revert back to the original folder set in the scene. 

Output Format: This displays the default output set in the scene. tick the box to the left to override and select from the drop down an alternative output format you require. Untick to revert back tot the default scene output format setting.

Machine Type: This displays the default machine type set in Envoy. Your scenes 3ds Max plugin sources them from there as the default to use. Use the dropdown on the right to select an alternative machine if desired.

Max Machine Count: This displays the default maximum machine count set in Envoy by displaying Use Portal Settings. Tick the box to the right to override to change the max machine count. Untick to revert back to the max machine count set in Envoy.

Credits Budget: Tick the box to the left to edit the credit limit. Note. You can only use 2 digit numbers with 2 places after the dot for the floating point value.

Credits Budget Action: Select from the drop down menu which action you want when the credit limit is reached. Alert won't stop the job but will notify you by email about going over the set limit. Stop will terminate the job altogether. Suspend will prevent new frames from being submitted and will allow the ones processing to finish.

Submit: Hit the Submit button when you are ready to proceed.

Reload Scene Settings: Hit this button to reset your submission settings to the default.

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3ds Max  Setup/Submit Overview

Setup/Submit Overview Transcript . . .

Welcome to GridMarkets 3ds Max Set Up and Submission. Ensure you have installed the 3ds Max plugin from Envoy.  Please see the Envoy tutorial at GridMarkets dot com, forward slash envoy for instructions. Make sure to restart 3ds Max after installing the GridMarkets plugin. Select the GridMarkets tab in the menu bar to open the GridMarkets 3ds Max plugin. The Submit2GM window opens with all your render settings ready to check before you submit your render to GridMarkets. This is where you can override some of your settings in your 3ds Max scene. Note. All other render settings will be taken from your scene. Hit the Submit button when you’re ready to proceed. The Preflight window will appear, and list all the files that will be uploaded for the given job. You can also deselect files or folders that were picked up and are not needed. You can manually upload any files that are not listed by selecting the appropriate boxes to the left to reveal the locations. Check the boxes on the right to add the given folders or files to the upload list. Hit Upload and submit when ready. You will get a notification that the upload has started. Press OK. Go to Envoy to see the upload and render submission status. Check all parameters listed are correct, or override any if needed. Hit “Submit” when ready. Note: The Submit2GM window will remain open in case you want to submit the same scene with different parameters. Close it if it’s no longer needed. Thanks for watching. Go to to learn more about how we can service all your rendering needs.

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